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May 21-23, 2025 | Downtown Indianapolis

Compliance Essentials for HRAs

The chart below outlines key tax and compliance considerations for different types of Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), including Qualified Small Employer HRAs (QSEHRAs), Individual Coverage HRAs (ICHRAs), and Excepted Benefit HRAs (EBHRAs). Employers and employees can use this chart to comprehend the regulatory framework for each HRA type.

  • HRAs
  • ICHRAs
  • EBHRAs
Plan Design / Compliance Issue HRAsQSEHRAsICHRAsEBHRAs
Plan Design / Compliance Issue
Internal Revenue Code§105, §106 Code §9831(d)Treas. Reg. §54.9802-4Treas. Reg. §54.9831-1
Eligible Employer Any employer, but must offer HRA with sponsor group health plan.An employer must not be an ALE and not sponsor group health plan.Any employer, but cannot offer group plan for those eligible for ICHRA.Any employer must sponsor group health plan but cannot offer ICHRA to those eligible
Eligible EmployeesGroup eligible must pass eligibility test under Code §105(h)Any employee of the “eligible employer,” and allows certain employees to be excludedA group of employees defined by the employer participating in individual coverage, but cannot be eligible for group coverage or EBHRAA group of all similarly situated individuals as defined by the employer, but cannot be offer ICHRA and group must pass nondiscrimination rules under Code §105(h).
When employees are eligible to participateA waiting period cannot exceed 90 days.When employee is no longer considered an excluded employee.A waiting period cannot exceed 90 days.A waiting period can exceed 90 days.
Salary Reduction FundingNot permitted, but can be offered with Health FSA and POPNot permittedNot permitted, but can be offered with Health FSA and POP.Not permitted, but can be offered with Health FSA and POP.
Eligible for HSA contributionsYes, if reimburses only dental, vision and preventive care or post- deductible expensesLikely yes, if reimburses only individual coverage premiumsLikely yes, if reimburses only individual coverage premiums and certain excepted benefits (e.g., dental or vision)Yes, if reimburses only dental or vision expenses
Employees allowed to Opt-outYesNoYesNo
Permitted Amount of ContributionsAmount available is determined by employerFor 2024, self-only coverage is $6,150 & $12,450 for family coverageAmount available is determined by employerFor 2024, $2,100. For 2025, $2150
Carryover Of Unused AmountsPermittedPermittedPermittedPermitted
Medical Expenses Eligible For ReimbursementOtherwise unreimbursed Code §213(d) medical expenses incurred while coverage in effect, including premiums for group eligible health insurance and long-term care insuranceReimburse individual major medical health insurance premiums, as well as other Code §213(d) expenses incurred during the QSEHRA coverage period, is permitted. Reimburse any Code § 213(d) medical care expenses or to limit reimbursements to particular expenses (e.g., premiums), but not group health coverage.Reimburse any Code §213(d) medical expenses but not premiums for individual health coverage, Medicare, or non-COBRA group coverage (premiums for coverage consisting solely of excepted benefits can be reimbursed).
Cash-Outs Of Unused Amounts (If No Medical Expenses)Not permittedNot permittedNot permitted Not permitted
12-Month Period Of Coverage & Prohibition Of Mid-Year ChangesNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
Health FSA Uniform Coverage RequirementNot Applicable — i.e., coverage level may be prorated by plan designNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
Expense SubstantiationRequiredRequiredRequiredRequired
Claims AdjudicationRequiredRequiredRequiredRequired
Tax CreditHRA is considered with group health plan coverage to determine minimum value and affordabilityNot applicableYes, under Code §4980H(a); possibly, under Code §4980H(b) (coverage must be affordable)Not Applicable
Code §105(h) Nondiscrimination RequirementAppliesNot applicable, if meets the eligibility rules Applies, but the maximum reimbursement amount can vary between classes as provided under the ICHRA rules. ICHRAs must not be nondiscriminatory in the operation of the plan These rules do not apply to ICHRAs that reimburse only insurance premiums (and not other medical expenses).Applies
Funding RequirementNot required—employers can decide to fund (i.e. set aside funds) as potential liability increases, but any such funding can invoke ERISA's trust requirement if amounts are segregated from general assetsSameSameSame
ERISA RequirementsAppliesAppliesApplies, But the individual coverage funded by an ICHRA is not subject to ERISA if certain requirements are met.Applies
COBRAApplies –Employer has 20 or more employeesDoes not applyApplies –Employer has 20 or more employeesApplies –Employer has 20 or more employees
Disclosures and noticesSPD & SBCSPD & Special NoticeSPD & Special NoticeSPD
HIPAA: Portability And Health Status Nondiscrimination Applies—Health FSA exception generally not availableApplies—Health FSA exception generally not availableApplies—Health FSA exception generally not availableDoes not apply
HIPAA: PrivacyAppliesAppliesAppliesApplies
Medicare Secondary Payer RulesAppliesAppliesDoes not apply if certain conditions are metApplies
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Source: Larry Grudzien, Attorney at Law