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Get your copy of the 2024 ICHRA Report

Remodel Health and PeopleKeep release their first combined ICHRA Report, examining how their customers across various industries use the ICHRA.

Learn more about the report below, or download our full report and infographic summary.

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Variable Form — Broker/RH/PK (2024 ICHRA Report)
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See a sample of the data included in the 2024 ICHRA Report below

Remodel Health and PeopleKeep present this comprehensive report on the widespread adoption of the individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) across various industries and states. From agriculture to technology companies, this report highlights ICHRA’s ability to adapt to the unique needs of businesses in diverse sectors.

Employers are finding that the ICHRA offers more choice for employees and budget control for employers. With it, organizations of all sizes can offer a defined monthly contribution for employees to spend on the individual health insurance plans and qualifying out-of-pocket medical expenses of their choosing.

Given the flexibility of an ICHRA, its popularity has grown considerably since it became available in 2020. According to the HRA Council, of which Remodel Health is a member organization, ICHRA adoption among U.S. employers grew by 29% from 2023 to 2024.

Whether it’s a small business offering health coverage for the first time or large employers seeking seeking cost effective ways to provide bespoke benefits packages, ICHRA empowers employers to provide tailored benefits to meet their workforce’s needs.

Remodel Health and PeopleKeep gathered the data in this report from our ICHRA customers and their employees. We examined how organizations of all sizes across various industries used our ICHRA solutions to provide personalized health benefits to their employees. 


The 2024 ICHRA Report includes data on:

Weight of employee range by industry

A balanced distribution of ICHRA adoption across various industries and employer sizes.

Weight of employee range by state

The size breakdown of employers offering an ICHRA in various states.

Percentage of employees on ICHRA who work for an ALE

A comparison between the percentage of employees who work for an ALE vs. a small business.

Percentage of ICHRA adoption by industry

The proportion of employers offering ICHRA by industry.

Average ICHRA contribution by employer size

How the average monthly ICHRA allowance varies by ALE status.

Average ICHRA contribution by industry

Average monthly allowances by industry.

Average ICHRA contribution by state

A look at how ICHRA contribution varies in select states.

Percentage of ICHRA employee participation by coverage level

The average ICHRA participation rate across all industries + a break down by family status.

Percentage of ICHRA employee participation by industry

A look at ICHRA employee participation rates by industry.

Average number of plans selected by industry

Average number of plans employees choose per employer, by industry.

Percentage of plans selected: on- vs. off-exchange

How many employees choose individual plans from on-exchange vs. off-exchange sources.

Percentage of plans selected: metal levels

The proportion of employees choosing a bronze, silver, or gold plan.

Average number of states per ALE

The average number of states ALEs vs. non-ALEs have employees in.

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